Sunday, 8 March 2009

Domestic Vioence Posters

These were a couple of posters I made when doing my Foundation on the topic of domestic violence.

Benetton Advertisement

Benetton are a global brand that use social, cultural and international issues for their advertising campaigns. They have a long lasting reputation for causing controversy with their dynamic and stark imagery, combatting real issues such as poverty, racial discrimination, sex and animal rights. It is quite unique the way their advertising doesn't mention or refer

to the products they sell but by the branding they have: white background green logo and use of colour- you instantly recognise what company its for.
It creates a sense of respect for the brand, by exuding positive notions and convinces the public that by buying their products you endorse and support the causes.

Saturday, 28 February 2009

Saturday, 3 January 2009

ITV2 ident

Jacob Cass:
self-employed as a graphic designer, specialising in the fields of corporate identity (logo) design, web design, print design and branding with the majority of my time spent designing and implementing marketing promotions for small businesses such as logos, websites, brochures, letterhead, business cards and more.

I am 21 years old and I am in my 3rd year at Newcastle University studying Visual Communication (Majoring in Graphic Design) based in Newcastle, Sydney, Australia. Even though I am in my 3rd year at University I have had multitude of experience, gaining my first freelance design job at the age of 16. Since then I have never turned back…


Monday, 24 November 2008

Oliver Beaudoin I ♥ U

I love this!!!
Its so simple but so cool! and the music is funky too. Its got me really excited about doing more animation. It reminds me of ananimation I did for my Foundation year with the limited colours and silhouette style but obviously his executed with much more sophistication.

Other youtube Gems